Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nikki got her drivers license!

She gets to drive the truck, she doesn't seem to mind and with all that metal around her I think she is sort of safe. If you look close you can see her in there, she didn't even wave to me.

Showing off her license, yeah!!! No more Mom taxi.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I was given four tickets to NASCAR in Las Vegas from my boss. I really didn't want to go at first and gave the tickets to Craig and Mike. As it turned out Tammy and I tagged along, I am so glad I did. It was so fun and very LOUD, I was so glad that Mike told us to bring ear plugs. It was surprising how I got caught up in it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nikki's cross country meet

Today we went to Nikki's cross country meet. It was in LaVerkin. Cross Country is a great sport to watch. I'm so impressed with all of the kids on the team. No matter if they're first or last to finish they'll always have a teammate cheering them on. Watching these kids race a 5k is quite inspiring.

This picture of Kayla was too adorable not to post here. She didn't watch the runners much but she sure enjoyed being outside. She is such a cutie! I tryed to get a good picture of Kylie but she wouldn't hold still long enough. She is so busy, maybe next time.

At the starting line. The green and white, the mighty Warriors

Just finished the hardest part of the race, a major hill. Doesn't she look great!

She had a huge kick at the finish. She ran a great race! I am so proud of her.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Scott!

Today September 14th, is Scott's birthday. He's 26, I want to cry, time goes so fast.
The picture above was in Idaho the day before we said goodbye as we took him to report to the Air Force. It was a hard day for all of us. it was a week after 9/11.

Both the Johnsons and the Nebekers were invited to be with Scott as he purposed to Jaimie at the St. George Temple grounds, it was so awesome!

Scott was such a beautiful baby boy. He was born at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach, Ca.

Enjoying his first birthday cake, chocolate of course!

The Bumble Bees, mom was the coach. Scott of course is the favorite player

A trip to Disneyland, hey wait, I am the only one that thinks this looks like Hanna?

Scott the gangsta dude. Dang I have cute kids! This Halloween was in 1995.


Feeding the seagulls (Newport Beach, Ca. 1998)

At church I am a Laurel (activities) Advisor. There are times that I attend the lesson in Relief Society but today I chose to stay with the Young Women and listen to their lesson. I am so glad I did. The lesson was on honesty, something that has been on my mind alot lately. We were taught that it isn't always easy or convenient to be honest. When the girls were asked what does it mean to be honest, one girl named Cassy answered by saying "Honesty is being the same person no matter who you're with or where you are". WOW, I love that, it's so true. Words to live by. These 16 - 18 year old young women have so much wisdom. Thank you Cassy for my new favorite quote!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mike's Family

Tammy and Kylie try out the kayak at Kolob
We went to The North Pole in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Kylie had so much fun on all the rides
Is this a beautiful baby or what! Meet Kayla

Kylie is the perfect big sister, just the sight of her makes Kayla smile!

Scott will always be a hero!

In October of 2003 Scott donated a kidney to Craig. His local newpaper put this article on the front page. Scott and Mike both stepped up without hesitation to be the donor. After each son negociated with each other and neither of them was willing to back down, the decision was made by a coin toss. Scott was the winner. With the support of a wonderful wife, Jaimie, Scott genorously gave his Dad the gift of life. Scott is a true hero!

It's common knowledge that I have the cutest grandkids, just ask me. We took Hanna and Tanner to Liberty Park and the Aviary. Hanna loved looking at the birds, Tanner was much more interested in the kiddy rides in the park. Hanna also enjoyed the chocolate ice cream cone a little too much.