Monday, January 17, 2011

J is for Jayden!

Jayden Michael NebekerBorn - January 12, 2011
7 lbs. 9 oz.—20 in. long
We have been blessed with a new grandson. Thank you Tammy and Michael, he's beautiful.
BTW - Tammy is beautiful too!
Lucky Jayden to have two wonderful big sisters that will spoil him rotten.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tea Party!

I have three beautiful granddaughters. Kylie and Hanna's birthdays are one year and 3 days apart. I wanted to do something special for both of them so I gave them a tea party. It was so fun! These are such special girls, they are such a blessing to me, they make me smile!
They were served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut-out to look like teddy bears, hot chocolate, marshmallows, sugar cookies and lemonade. I bought jewelry, purses, hair pretties and other girly stuff from the dollar store. After the tea party they played dress up and gave us a fashion show. I was lucky to have Tyler take some pictures so I could blog about this special day. I hope my grandkids look at these pictures and remember the fun we had.
Its always a party, when my Grandkids are here,
We don't need streamers or balloons floating near,
Cause when we're together, there's fun everywhere,
Our dreams are confetti, tossed high in the air.

Of course Tanner had fun too. This is one of his poses during the 'fashion show'. He's either posing as a dinosaur or a super hero.