Sunday, September 27, 2020

This is for me.

I panicked this morning.  I couldn't remember my username and password for my blog!  I haven't visited here for years.  Luckily I was able to figure it all out and was able to log in.  

I've been struggling lately with life.  There are so many highs and lows that it gets hard to navigate sometimes.  Many times I've poured my heart out to God asking for guidance then I am quiet and listen for direction.  Somedays are just difficult.  The world is a nasty, mean and hurtful place but at the same time it is the most hopeful, glorious and beautiful place. 

I've gotten a clear message that I need to blog again.  Not that someone else might gain something by reading it but that I may find comfort in sharing a thought or two. 

If you land here you're welcome to read it but please know that it's for selfish reasons I share.  This is therapy for me.  


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