Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy 21st Birthday Tyler!

Yes, I am old enough to have a 21 year old. In fact, I am old enough to have a 30 year old too. Oh my gosh, I am not in denial anymore. Below is Tyler, today is his birthday and he's 21. Everyone says he's my favorite, hmmm, it might be true. Happy Birthday!
I made him a chocolate cake with the most amazing chocolate frosting, the recipe is below this picture of the bowl before we licked it clean.

Amazing Chocolate Frosting

1/2 C butter
2/3 C Dutched Cocoa Powder (or regular cocoa powder)
3 C powder sugar
1/3 C half and half (or milk works fine)
1 teaspoon vanilla

I put everything into the bowl of my Kitchen Aid and mixed it with the wisk attachment till it's light and fluffy.

The Dutched Cocoa gives it a really rich chocolate taste. Enjoy!


  1. Happy Birthday Tyler! Hope it was a great one! By the looks of that frosting I'm guessing it was! YUM! And Judy, I for one do not think you look old enough to have a 21 year old let alone a 30 year old!

  2. YES I do remember you telling me he is "one" of your favorites! Tyler Tyler Tyler that's all I hear....LOL. Good young man you raised there Judy! You are totally the devil for bringing in so many goodies....I am going to buy a huge bag of taffy.....
